Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Herrera presents on renal disease at international conference

Guillermo Herrera, M.D., professor and chair of pathology at the USA College of Medicine, recently lectured at the GlomCon Latinoamérica conference on April 30. He presented virtually to a widely attended audience of pathologists and nephrologists from Central America, South America and North America. 

Herrera discussed tubulointerstitial nephropathy associated with monoclonal immunoglobulins. Tubulointerstitial nephropathy is a renal disease that affects the tubules of the kidneys and the tissues that surround them, leading to the deterioration of kidney function. The mechanism provided a platform for devising a new therapeutic avenue to treat these conditions.

The Glomerular Disease Study and Trial Consortium (GlomCon) provides medical education based on the best available evidence and creates a platform for research collaboration among clinicians, academics and industry partners guided by patients’ and their caregivers’ needs.