Thursday, August 8, 2024

BMS graduate students join their lab 'matches'

At the end of their first year of studies, students in the Basic Medical Sciences Graduate Program choose a major professor who will mentor them throughout the program. This selection also determines the students’ program track affiliation. Then, at the beginning of their second year, they join the labs with which they “matched,” and this lab home is where they will conduct research for their dissertation through graduation.

This year, 10 BMS graduate students are joining labs. This week, meet five of them: 

Brianna Mitchell
Hometown: Pearlington, MS
Education: B.S. in Biomedical Sciences, University of South Alabama
BMS program track and research focus: Infectious Disease and Host Defense; I’m currently focusing on cytokine release as it relates to first infusion reactions of monoclonal antibody therapies for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
Faculty mentor: Michael Elliott, Ph.D.  
Why did you choose to join this lab?
I really enjoy how the work challenges me to think outside of the box, and I love learning more and more about immunology every day. After my first week of rotating in Dr. Elliott’s lab, I vividly remember calling my mom and telling her about how excited I was and about the lab work I would be doing during my rotation. It was that same phone call I told her that I thought I was going to stay, and that’s exactly what I did!

Oluwagbenro O. Adesunloro
Age: 24
Hometown: Itaogbolu, Ondo State, Nigeria
Education: B.S. in microbiology, Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria
BMS program track and research focus: Infectious Diseases and Host Defense; investigating the role of amyloid-Beta in pyelonephritis and urosepsis
Faculty mentor: Allyson Elizabeth Shea, Ph.D.
Why did you choose to join this lab?
I love the lab's projects and lab environment. 

Sarah Macon-Foley
Age: 26
Hometown: I was born and raised in Severna Park, Maryland, but I haven't been there since I was 18. Honestly, I would say that since I got married, my hometown is wherever my husband is, which is wherever the Coast Guard sends us, so for now that is Mobile, AL.
Education: B.S. in biology, Randolph-Macon College; M.S. in individualized genomics and health, Johns Hopkins University 
BMS program track and research focus: Infectious Disease and Host Defense; tick-borne viruses, tick-to-tick virus transmission, tick-host interface
Faculty mentor: Meghan Hermance, Ph.D.
Why did you choose to join this lab? 
When I decided to get a Ph.D. I knew I needed two things in order to pick a lab to join: really good and interesting science and a gut feeling that I could spend four to five years working in that environment. I picked my rotations based on the science that was being done and what I wanted to spend my Ph.D. studying and let the gut feeling tell me the rest. The Hermance Lab provided me with both!

Davis Holdbrooks
Age: 23
Hometown: Winfield, AL
Education: B.S. in biomedical sciences, University of South Alabama
BMS program track and research focus: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Biology; H1N1-induced tauopathy 
Faculty mentors: Troy Stevens, Ph.D. and Jonathan Rayner, Ph.D.
Why did you choose to join this lab? 
While my primary focus has been virology, this co-mentorship opportunity allows me to expand my research scope. I can now explore the intricate relationship between viruses, their effects on the pulmonary system, and their subsequent cognitive impact. 

Magan Pittman 
Age: 24
Hometown: Monroeville, AL 
Education: B.S. in biomedical sciences with a concentration in biotechnology, University of South Alabama
BMS track and research focus: Cancer Biology; DNA repair
Faculty mentor: Aishwarya Prakash, Ph.D.
Why did you choose to join this lab? 
I chose to join this lab because my favorite area of study is biochemistry/molecular biology, and my lab mates and mentor are incredible scientists and people!