Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Thakur to discuss 'Skull Base Neurosurgery and Brain Tumors' at Med School Café

“Skull Base Neurosurgery and Brain Tumors: Rejecting Norms and Adapting Minimally Invasive Mentality” will be the topic of a Med School Café presentation at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 12. Jai Thakur, M.D., director of minimally invasive cranial and skull base neurosurgery and neurosurgery education at USA Health, will present the lecture via Zoom.

Thakur, an assistant professor of neurosurgery at the USA College of Medicine, is a fellowship-trained neurosurgeon who specializes in the field of endoscopic and minimally invasive keyhole cranial surgery. His focus is caring for patients with brain tumors (including pituitary tumors, skull base tumors, primary/metastatic tumors) and cerebrovascular diseases like aneurysm, vascular malformations, sickle cell disease and Moyamoya disease, which potentially can cause strokes. Additionally, he specializes in managing medically refractory facial pain/trigeminal neuralgia, hemi-facial spasms and spontaneous skull base CSF leaks.

After graduating from medical school at Government Medical College in Amritsar, India, he completed a two-year research fellowship in skull base neurosurgery at Louisiana State University (LSU) and University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, followed by residency training in neurosurgery at LSU. He then completed fellowship training in minimally invasive cranial and skull base neurosurgery at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute-John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, California.

Register here to attend the lecture virtually

Med School Café is a free community lecture series sponsored by USA Health. Each month, faculty and physicians share their expertise on a specific medical condition, providing insight on the latest treatments available.

For more information, contact Kim Partridge at kepartridge@health.southalabama.edu.