Friday, June 25, 2021

Faculty Spotlight: Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D.

Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D.

Academic title: Assistant professor of pathology

Joined the USA College of Medicine faculty: May 2020

What does your position in the USA COM/USA Health entail?
Cancer research

What is your favorite or most rewarding part of your position?
Developing clinical cancer research programs

What are your research interests?

  • Basic and translational cancer research to develop early detection and monitoring biomarkers for racial health disparities
  • Genome and epigenome characterization of cervical, ovarian, head and neck, pancreatic, breast and prostate cancer health disparities
  • Understanding the role of mitochondrial genetic alterations and metabolic reprogramming in cancer health disparities
  • Development of mitochondria and circulating extracellular-vesicles-based biomarkers for early cancer detection, monitoring, risk assessment and therapeutic guidance

What is your advice for medical students?
Get involved in cancer research projects and develop ways to cure this lethal disease. 

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
Singing, song writing and composing, patient outreach