Thursday, October 19, 2023

Register now: 7th Annual Conference on Ethics and Opioids

The Office of Continuing Medical Education will host the 7th Annual Conference on Ethics and Opioids on Friday, Nov. 10. The conference offers 6 ethics credits and 2 opioid credits.

The ethics and opioids talks will identify and analyze frequent professional and popular beliefs about human nature and the personal and societal factors that influence a person’s direction in life. Based on that analysis, the speakers will discuss the characteristics of an ethical and effective practitioner and the ethical dilemmas they often face. The speakers will then explore ethical behavior in a therapeutic relationship and apply those concepts to case scenarios with course participants’ direct involvement.

The Office of Continuing Medical Education is located at 650 Clinic Drive, Suite 1100. Visit the CME tracker to register for the conference and view the full schedule and speaker bios.