Thursday, February 24, 2022

Faculty Spotlight: Chandrani Sarkar, Ph.D.

Chandrani Sarkar, Ph.D.

Academic title: Assistant professor of pathology

Joined the USA College of Medicine faculty: July 2021

What does your position in the USA COM/USA Health entail?
My position at the USA COM entails conceiving, performing and supervising basic/translational cancer research consistent with the theme of the Cancer Biology Research program and the mission of the Mitchell Cancer Institute. My position also entails engaging in education and research activities of the Department of Pathology including but not limited to teaching and training graduate students, residents and postdoctoral fellows. Actively pursuing extramural research funding is an integral part of my position.

What is your favorite or most rewarding part of your position?
The opportunity to develop my own research niche is the most rewarding part of my position. In addition, I love that I get to that interact and collaborate with people from different academic and scientific backgrounds.

What research or other initiatives are you involved in?
I am interested in studying the molecular mechanisms of cancer progression and metastasis. My research goal is to elucidate the role played by neuromodulators in reprogramming the tumor microenvironment to facilitate metastatic progression of cancers.

What is your advice for medical students?
I advise medical students to engage in basic science research as application of scientific reasoning not only facilitates clinical decision-making but also can help in solving clinical problems that require molecular insights.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?
I enjoy spending time with my husband, son and dog. I love to cook and my favorite hobby is trying new recipes with my son, who is also very passionate about food and cooking. I love to travel. I look forward to visiting new places, trying new cuisines and making lifetime memories with my family and friends.