Monday, July 8, 2024

Whiddon COM employees participate in staff retreat

Staff members in the Whiddon College of Medicine participate in a team-building retreat.
The Whiddon College of Medicine finance and administration staff recently participated in a retreat that fostered interpersonal engagement, team building, and motivation for a positive and productive work environment. 

The retreat was promoted by Maya Mirzoeva, MBA, associate dean of finance and administration. Marcina Lang, MPA, manager of COM support services, coordinated the activities and presentations for the day, with support from Amanda Arnold, education and training specialist. 

Binata Mukherjee, M.D., MBA, assistant dean of faculty and professional development, administered the Kolb Experiential Learning Profile assessment to the staff and discussed with the team how each individual's learning profile contributes to an effective work group. 

Participants commented in a post-event review that the staff retreat was very useful time spent engaging with the team.