Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Hewes named associate chief medical officer for Children’s & Women’s Hospital

Amelia Hewes, M.D.
Amelia Hewes, M.D., FACOG, has been named an associate chief medical officer (CMO) for women’s health at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital. She is also an obstetrician and gynecologist at USA Health and an assistant professor at the Whiddon College of Medicine. 

“Dr. Hewes has been working on women’s quality and safety projects with the CMO team for almost a year and has demonstrated she has the vision, professional courage and working knowledge to be successful in optimizing quality and safety for the patients we serve,” said Michael Chang, M.D., FACS, USA Health CMO.  “She's an outstanding clinician and translates her clinical skills to perform improvement projects effectively. Dr. Hewes also understands the importance of culture in moving the needle for quality and safety.”   

Since joining USA Health as health system CMO in 2018, Chang has worked to assemble a team in the CMO office to provide medical directorship in the quality, safety, and operational spaces across USA Health. 

Hewes joins the CMO group at Children’s & Women’s Hospital and will focus on women's services. “I am looking forward to my continued work to enhance the quality of care we offer our patients, while also improving our own job satisfaction and wellness,” Hewes said. “I am excited to work with the CMOs in other departments to share ideas for what is working well and gain different perspectives for my own department.” 

Among her roles at USA Health and the Whiddon College of Medicine, Hewes also serves as fellowship director for Family Medicine-Obstetrics, chair of the Performance Improvement Committee, and co-chair of the Maternal Infant Committee. She is a member of the American Medical Association, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the Mobile Medical Society. 

Hewes earned her medical degree from the Whiddon College of Medicine, then completed a residency with USA Health, where she earned recognition as a top resident and researcher. In 2020, she received the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology National Faculty Award for Excellence in Resident Education. 

When she became an attending physician at USA Health, she said, her interest in safety and quality turned into a passion. Among her immediate goals for the new position, she notes, “is to work on ensuring that the women that seek care at Children's & Women's get the resources and level of care that their disease process requires, including our high-risk and complicated cases.”